【Filmit 2024】Outstanding Fiction Film - Merit Prize

Filmit 2024
  • The Filmit 2024 competition is organised by the NET Section, CDI, Education Bureau and European Union Office. We are proud that our students placed well in the competition this year and we got Outstanding Fiction Film – Merit Prize.


    Name of the video: Nature Guardians: Zombies vs. Plants




    The Plants vs. Zombies storyline conveys an important message about environmental protections and sustainability. It focusses on finding unity and balance through empathy, understanding and a willingness to explore alternative perspectives. 


    As the story unfolds, the plants and the eco-loving enthusiasts work tirelessly together to defend the city’s luscious greenery. However, soon they realize that it is better to find peaceful solutions to coexist and even collaborate, rather than engage in endless battling. 


    The poster reflects the importance of coexisting and hoe, through open-mindedness and a collaborative spirit, even the most daunting challenges can be overcome. 


    Team Members: 

    4A Siu Ho Yau, Hailey (19)6A Chan Chi Yin, Sophie (1)
    4B Li Tsz Ki, Kate (15)6A Cheung Maria Clarencia B. (4)   
    4C Fan Chun Yin, Aiden (4)6A Lam Hoi Yiu, Rene (15)
    4C Ng Chin Wing, Venus (15)6B Cheung Chi Yin (6)
    5A Cheng Tsz Ying, Cecilia (3)   6B Kwok Pak Kiu, Aaden (13)   
     6B Wong Lai Ching, Allie (22)