Objectives & Curriculum

  • To develop students’ English language proficiency
  • To arouse students’ interest in English learning through meaningful activities
  • To develop students’ self-directed learning habit
  • To enable every learner to prepare for the changing socio-economic demands resulting from advances in information technology 
A. NET Scheme

The scheme launched by EDB aims at supporting and strengthening English language learning and teaching in the school by:

  • employing a native English-speaking teacher
  • providing an authentic environment for children to learn English
  • developing children’s interests in learning 




Our NET, Ms. Rizvana Bashir

Greetings everyone! My name is Mrs. Rizvana Bashir and I am the school’s Native English Teacher (NET). I have been part of Meng Tak for ten magnificent years. Throughout these years, I have found great joy in collaborating with my fellow teachers to create a fun and engaging learning experience for the students. I take pride in witnessing their growth and development. 


As the school’s NET, I believe it is crucial to provide students with diverse and meaningful learning experiences that go beyond the traditional classroom setting. One of the highlights of my role has been encouraging students to take part in English language competitions. I believe this provides an additional platform to help cultivate their confidence and fluency in the language. Through puppetry, filmmaking and choral speaking, the students not only improve their English proficiency but also foster their creativity and teamwork skills.


In the coming years, I look forward to continuing my rewarding work at Meng Tak Catholic School. I am eager to explore new and innovative ways to inspire the students’ love for the English language.

B. P.1-3 PLP-R/W

Joining the Primary Literacy Programme Reading- Writing (KS1) initiated by the NET Section of EDB, we provide our students with the best learning resources and environment to motivate their reading interests and enhance their reading and writing abilities. P.1-3 students have lessons with the NET, a local teacher and a classroom assistant. For the Home Reading Scheme, students are given readers every week in order to cultivate their reading interests and abilities. 


The "Bring Your Own Device" (BYOD) policy aims to utilise IT to enhance the effectiveness of learning and teaching, classroom interaction as well as students’ ability in self-directed learning, problem-solving and collaboration. Our school implements e-learning and tries out various strategies to further exploit the advantages of using mobile computer devices in learning and teaching. We allow Primary 4, Primary 5 and Primary 6 students to bring their own mobile computer devices to school to participate in learning activities, making learning more personalised and mobile.

D. RaC

RaC provides different contexts and interesting content for the development of reading strategies and thinking skills. Our teachers choose reading materials on various topics related to different Key Learning Areas and design meaningful tasks to develop skills such as making predictions and inferences, summarising and using graphic organisers for comparing, synthesising and evaluating information and ideas.

E. School-based Materials

 Our school-based teaching and learning materials provide visual and practical representations of concepts, simplify complicated concepts and ultimately promote better understanding among students.


Our school implements the CEO programme held by Catholic Education Office. The programme goals are to help students develop a wide range of reading skills, to nurture Catholic education core values through values-based reading with IT tools and to extend learning of the content and connect their learning experience across different Key Learning Areas.